Trinity Baptist Church Counseling Ministry

The counseling ministry of Trinity Baptist Church of Indianapolis is setup to provide care in the following areas:

  • General Personal Spiritual Growth and Development
  • Pre-Marital Counseling
  • Marriage and Family Support
  • Spiritual Restoration

To Obtain Counseling & Process:

  • Please use our form for counseling follow up : Click Here to Fill Out Form!
  • Initial Consultation and Intake – The intake form is designed to receive an initial understanding of your needs, the care you are seeking and capture pertinent information
  • Counselor Assignment – We will assign a counselor to you and will setup an initial session
  • Initial Session with Assigned Counselor – Counselors will spend approximately 75 minutes with you during the initial session and set a session plan going forward

Trinity Baptist Church of Indianapolis Counseling Ministry – Our Commitment:

Biblical: This counseling ministry is designed to help care seekers see God’s direction and reconcile their various life situations to scripture. The lens in which we approach counseling is unapologetically biblical. Those who receive care within this ministry will be aided by being asked to accept and adhere to the principles in which the Bible teaches.   

Competence: This counseling ministry is committed to development and training. We may not have the adequate ability to assist every care seeker. Our commitment is to have the knowledge to refer and secure adequate resources wisely for as many individuals who seek assistance through us. 

Justice:  This counseling ministry believes in providing fair and equal treatment to all care seekers. This does not mean this ministry agrees with or will condone that which we believe to contradict the teachings of scripture.  Yet, we believe it important to exhibit the just character of God in dealing with all people with the hopes of sharing the gospel for His glory.

Ethics:  Our counselors will operate, pursue and live under an ethic that upholds the highest standards of Christian morality. We will contend to be imitators of Christ (Eph. 5:1) and seek to consistently model spiritual and emotional health.  Counselors will not use the counseling session as an opportunity to meet their own needs; the sessions are for the benefit of the counselee.